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Choose your pricing plan

  • Tier 1

    Every month
    Faith, Family, and Homeschool Enrichment
    • Regular event attendance plus homeschool fellowship
    • Access to weekly in-person homeschool support
    • Helps pay for activity supplies, insurance, & facility fees
    • Helps cover costs for web design, actity prep, accounting
    • Field trips at low or no cost
    • Helps build support for future programs
    • BYO ideas for groups and event, with planning support!
  • Tier 2

    Every month
    Regular Use
    • Monthly event attendance (1-2 per month)
    • Helps pay for activity supplies (potluck, craft & games)
    • Helps pay for facility fees and insurance
    • BYO ideas for groups and activities!
  • Tier 3

    Every month
    Occasional Use
    • Limited attendance (approximately once every 1 - 3 months)
    • Helps cover program supplies (paper goods, crafts, drinks)
    • Helps cover facility use fees
    • BYO ideas for future groups and events!
  • A La Carte

    Once annual, then donate as you go.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Want to support the mission but can't make the events?
    • Maybe you're unsure of commitment at this time
    • One time payment, then donate at events as you are able.

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One time









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Prayer Candles

Memerbship FAQ

WHY SHOULD I JOIN? Your membership will not only connect you with other Catholic families in the region, but it will also help to sustain the community for the long term. Members have access to an online community on this webpage to establish their own activities and groups, and to interact with one another. Members can also send the director events happening at their local parish to share for the community to attend.

WHAT ACTIVITIES ARE THERE? Some of our activities and events include: Family Potluck Rosary Night, First Friday Homeschool Fellowship, Christmas Caroling, Cemetery Rosaries for the beloved deceased, Family Adoration, Community Picnic, Family Game Nights, Pilgrimages and Field Trips, Liturgical Celebrations , Seasonal Meet-Ups, Small Group Activities and Classes....and BYO Ideas!

WHERE DOES MY MONEY GO? Lux Mundi is run as a net-zero business. All money is used to fund programs by paying for overhead costs like liability insurance, facility rental fees, and to buy supplies. The long-term goal is to have funding to pay for major field trips and pilgrimages, and to provide temporal support to member families in times of need.

DO I HAVE TO BUY A MEMBERSHIP TO ATTEND EVENTS? The short answer is no! This is not a gate-keeping community. All are welcome, regardless of ability to pay. Membership should be prayerfully discerned, and only purchased if you feel called to support our mission. But all are welcome to attend. The more support we have, the more we can in turn support you and your family. Your financial support is apprecaited beyond measure. But we will never ask for income verification, or pressure you into paying for a membership.

DO I NEED TO HAVE SCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN TO ATTEND? Lux Mundi is designed to be a community to support families of school-age children. Activities will be kid-friendly, and potentially therefore lack the silence or reverence that is often expected at certain events. Further, given that that is the mission of the program, that is the community that we are striving to serve, so events will be focused on this demographic. That being said, we also don't love echo-chambers, and enjoy the fruits that can come from multi-generational interactions, and some of our events are community-intesnive, like Christmas Caroling or praying a rosary. If you are interested in attending an event but do not have school-age children, please take this to prayer, and contact us with any questions.

DO I NEED TO BE CATHOLIC? No! The word "catholic" means universal, and we are welcoming to all. We just ask that you be aware that we ARE a Catholic organization, and all activities will always be done in alignment with Catholic teaching through Pope Francis and the Magesterium, with a focus on strengthening families to live authentically Catholic lives.

Need more info? 
Don't want to enroll online? 
Contact us here  for more information or to inquire about paying the non-digital way.


We are Catholic families of Eastern Connecticut who desire a strong community of Faith, with roots that run deep and branches that bear great fruit for all of our children for years to come. We believe that strong, vibrant families committed to their Faith can serve as a healing light in a world filled with darkness and confusion. We desire to be this light, and to fill our local communities with its warmth though the cultivation of meaningful friendships with other families. 

We are faithful to the magisterium through Pope Francis, and are open to all families with children ages 0 - 18. 

© 2024 by Lux Mundi
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