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Church Candles

Our Community

Through fun, enriching events, our goal is to build a strong community as well as strengthen and empower each family to live authentically Catholic lives. 

Family Christmas Party

Liturgical Celebrations

Examples include parties and celebrations for Epiphany, Pentecost, St Nicholas, and All Saints Day, complete with games and prizes, liturgically themed crafts, and of course - fellowship!

Family Prayer Opportunities

Examples include First Friday Fellowship for homeschooling and SAH parents, Cemetery walking rosary in November, Pilgrimages to local places of prayer, and First Saturday Family Potluck Rosary Nights. 


Children Praying
Family Playing Cricket

Family Fun

Examples might include family game nights (bingo, cards, board games), field day and community picnic, family camping weekends, family hikes, beach days, or other recreational activities together. 

Community Engagement

Bringing charity together as families to our local community from Christmas caroling to service projects like creating bags for the homeless, preparing meals for those in need, collecting items for pregnancy centers and food shelters. If funds allow, members will also receive support through major life events, from meals and prayer chains to financial support in times of need or crisis. 

Volunteers Collecting Litter


We are Catholic families of Eastern Connecticut who desire a strong community of Faith, with roots that run deep and branches that bear great fruit for all of our children for years to come. We believe that strong, vibrant families committed to their Faith can serve as a healing light in a world filled with darkness and confusion. We desire to be this light, and to fill our local communities with its warmth though the cultivation of meaningful friendships with other families. 


We are faithful to the magisterium through Pope Francis, and are open to all families with children ages 0 - 18. 

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